of 1812 Archaeological Survey
Great Lakes Historical Society is pleased to announce that the
National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program
has awarded the Society an $18,000 grant to survey the battle
site and anchorage site of the Battle of Lake Erie, fought in
1813 in Ohio waters off Put-in-Bay.
Gillcrist, Executive Director of The Great Lakes Historical Society,
stated that "the Battle of Lake Erie is one of the most important
naval engagements between 1776 and 1941 in U.S. history. Our archaeological
survey will help discover and identify any physical remains of
the battle, hopefully in preparation for a major historical reevaluation
of the battle's significance in light of its coming bicentennial
celebration in 2013."
Sowden, Archaeological Director of The Great Lakes Historical
Society, led the investigation in collaboration with the
Cleveland Underwater Explorers, led by Tom
Kowalczk and Dave VanZandt.
began in late August 2008, and was completed in the fall of 2009.