CLUE Presentations

CLUE Assists in Anthony Wayne Survey

June 2008: The Great Lakes Historical Society and the Peachman Lake Erie Shipwreck Research Center (PLESRC) partnered with Texas A&M University to survey the wreck of the Anthony Wayne, a mid-19th century side-wheel passenger and cargo steamer discovered in Lake Erie. Tom Kowalczk, member of the Cleveland Underwater Explorers (CLUE) and discoverer of the Anthony Wayne, assisted in the survey providing in-water and on-water support.

Summer 2009: The Anthony Wayne Shipwreck Survey resumed with three principal objectives: locate and uncover elements of the vessel’s hull, locate and uncover the steamer’s horizontal engine, and investigate the stern section of the site. Tom Kowalczk of CLUE assisted in these efforts, including locating and exposing the Wayne’s horizontal direct-acting steam engine, possibly one of the earliest examples of a marine engine on the Great Lakes. The engine and associated machinery were carefully sketched and measured by the PLESRC/Texas A&M team, and David VanZandt of CLUE photographed it before it was reburied to ensure preservation of this unique mechanical artifact.

Fall 2009: Bradley A. Krueger made a report on the progress during the 2009 season of surveying the Anthony Wayne shipwreck.

Visit the GLHS Anthony Wayne webpage and Brad Krueger's webpage.

Read about the survey in the news:




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